Kickball Details
- Professional Quality Equipment
- Umpires for Each Game
- Woody Pine Site Manager
- Reserved Field Access
- Food & Drink Specials at sponsor bar
Coed Kickball Leagues
If you really want to have a blast and softball / baseball are too serious for you, check out our fun social kickball league. A great way to socialize and meet new people and play a sport that is all about bloopers and making memories you will not forget! Woody Pine Sports combines them all. We offer adult coed 10v10 kickball leagues in The Woodlands area. From beginners to seasoned athletes, players of all abilities are welcome! Sign up a full team or sign up on your own and we’ll find a team for you!
Full Team (Captain Registrations)
Get your friends together and form a team today! Just go to the registration page, choose your league, and submit your team info. Guarantee your spot with your credit card. Plus – signing up a team SAVES MONEY versus everyone signing up on their own. It’s that easy!
On your own? We’ll help! (Free Agent Registrations)
If you don’t have a team, no problem – we specialize in placing free agents! Woody Pine Sports can help find you a team. Just sign up online and guarantee your spot with a credit card. Individuals can request to be paired with other free agents during the registration process. Sign up for a league today!

- Number of Players: A team will consist of 10 players on the field. Teams must have at least 8 players (including 2 females) to start a game.
- Starting a Game: Captains will face off in Rock Paper Scissors (RPS). Winner of the RPS will be the home team.
- Scoring: A run scores when a runner’s lead foot makes contact with the ground on or past the home plate line before the third out is made.
- Ball Size: All games will be played with a 10” rubber kickball (league provided).
- Management and Officiating: All games are officiated by one home plate umpire. A Woody Pine Site Manager will be on site.
- Gender Requirements:
- Female Minimum: A full team (10 players) will consist of a minimum of 4 females on the field during play.
- Female Maximum: There is no cap on the number of females on the field during play.
- Gender Requirements:
- One Game Per Night: All teams will play minimum one game per league night against one opponent.
- Game Length and Time: Each game consists of seven innings or 45 minutes. If 45 minutes is reached prior to seven innings, the current inning will be finished.
- Regular Season: Games can end in a tie
- Playoff Games: If the game is tied at the end of regulation, extra innings will be played until a winner is declared and the following criteria will be implemented.
- The last kicker out from the previous inning starts on 2nd base.
- All strikes and fouls result in an out.
- All balls result in a walk.
- Three Game Guarantee: All teams are guaranteed three games.
- Game Length and Time: Each game consists of seven innings or 45 minutes. If 45 minutes is reached prior to seven innings, the current inning will be finished.
- Tied Non-Elimination Games: Games can end in a tie
- Tied Elimination Games: If an elimination game is tied at the end of regulation, extra innings will be played until a winner is declared and the following criteria will be implemented.
- The last kicker out from the previous inning starts on 2nd base.
- All strikes and fouls result in an out.
- All balls result in a walk.
- Scoring: A run scores when a runner’s lead foot makes contact with the ground on or past the home plate line before the third out is made.
- Forced Plays: No run can score when the third out is made during a force play situation, or when the kicker is put out before touching first base.
- Runs Per Inning: The max runs per inning allowed is 7.
- If the home team is trailing by more than 7 runs in the final inning, they can score as many runs as needed to win.
- If the visiting team is trailing by more than 7 runs in the final inning, they can score as many runs as needed to gain a 3 run advantage.
- Mercy Rule: The game ends if a team is ahead 12 runs after 4 innings or 10 runs after 5 innings.
- Scoring: A run scores when a runner’s lead foot makes contact with the ground on or past the home plate line before the third out is made.
- Line Ups: Team line ups must be presented to the umpire before each game.
- Late arriving players may be added to the bottom of the lineup during the game.
- Teams may kick more than 10 players in a line up.
- All players in the field must be listed in the line up. There are no “designated fielders” allowed.
- Every other kicker must be the opposite gender.
- Legal Kick: The following criteria satisfy a legal kick.
- Contact with the ball must take place when the planting foot is behind the front line of the kicking box.
- Contact with the ball must be below the knee.
- Double touch is not permitted.
- Line Ups: Team line ups must be presented to the umpire before each game.
- Base Running: Runners must stay within the baseline. Any runner outside the baseline is out.
- Runners may follow a natural running arc from base to base
- Runners can change course to avoid interference with a fielder making a play.
- Obstruction: Runners must do their best to avoid contact with fielders whenever possible.
- Fielders may be within the baseline when doing so is necessary making an active play on the ball.
- Runners hindered by any fielders within the baseline, not making an active play for the ball, shall be safe at the base to which they were running.
- Pitch Runners: One pitch runner is allowed per inning.
- If pitch running for a male, the last player out will substitute in.
- If pitch running for a female, the last female out will substitute in.
- Lead Offs and Stealing: Neither leading off a base or stealing a base is allowed. A runner may only advance once a ball is kicked.
- Sliding: Sliding head first is not permitted except when a player “dives” back to a base they have overrun. Sliding feet first is always permitted.
- Pegs: Pegging a runner’s head with the ball is not allowed except when the runner is sliding. A runner hit in the head shall be safe at the base they are running towards.
- Tag Up: On caught ball outs, all players must tag up and can only advance once the ball is first touched by a fielder.
- Base Running: Runners must stay within the baseline. Any runner outside the baseline is out.
- The Pitch:
- All pitches must be released underhand.
- Putting spin on the ball is not permitted.
- Count: Every kicker starts with 1 ball and 1 strike.
- Four balls is a walk.
- Three strikes is an out.
- Strikes: the following criteria satisfy a strike.
- A pitch that is not kicked that enters any part of the strike zone.
- An attempted kick missed by a kicker inside or outside the strike zone.
- A kicked ball that is called a foul.
- Courtesy Foul: Once a kicker reaches 2 strikes they are granted one courtesy foul. A subsequent foul ball results in an out.
- Balls: the following criteria satisfy a ball
- A pitch outside the strike zone where a kick is not attempted.
- A pitched ball that does not touch the ground at least twice before reaching the kicking box.
- A pitched ball that exceeds the height of the kicker’s knee at any point during the pitch
- The Pitch:
- Field Layout: The following criteria will be used for WPS Kickball.
- Base Distance: Each base is 60 feet apart.
- Pitching Line: The straight across the infield connecting 1st and 3rd base.
- Safety Base (1st Base): All first bases will have a designated runner section and fielder section.
- Commitment Line: The perpendicular line 20 feet from home plate to 3rd base.
- Runners advancing from 3rd base to home plate cannot turn back to 3rd base once they cross the commitment line.
- All plays at home plate are force outs.
- Home Plate Line: The perpendicular line extending at home plate on the 3rd base side.
- Runners advancing from 3rd base to home plate are ruled safe once their lead foot makes contact with the ground on or past the home plate line.
- Runners are ruled out if the fielder tags home plate prior to when the runner’s lead foot makes contact with the ground on or past the home plate line and after the runner crosses the commitment line.
- Field Position: Proper field position must be maintained by all fielders while pitching is in progress until the ball reaches the kicker.
- Failure to maintain proper field position during a kicked ball will result in the kicker being awarded first base regardless of the outcome of the kick.
- Fielder Position: Proper field position is stated below.
- Fielders with Kicker: Fielders cannot advance across the pitching line until the kicker makes contact with the ball.
- Catcher: Catcher must have be behind the Catcher’s line whenever the kicker makes contact with the ball.
- Outfielders: There must be 4 designated outfielders.
- The outfield is defined as 15 feet behind the baseline.
- Outfielders must remain in the outfield until the kicker makes contact with the ball.
- Outfielders are not permitted to kick the ball on defense.
- Infielders: There must be 4 designated infielders (excluding pitcher and catcher).
- Infielders must remain behind the pitching line until the kicker makes contact with the ball.
- Field Layout: The following criteria will be used for WPS Kickball.
- Fair Balls: The following criteria satisfies a fair ball.
- A kicked ball landing and remaining in fair territory.
- A kicked ball landing in fair territory then traveling into foul territory at or beyond 1st or 3rd base.
- A kicked ball first touching a player in fair territory.
- A kicked ball landing in fair territory then touched by a fielder before touching the ground in foul territory.
- Foul Balls: The following criteria satisfies a foul ball.
- A kicked ball first touching the ground in foul territory.
- A kicked ball first touching a fielder completely in foul territory.
- A kicked ball landing in fair territory, but touching the ground in foul territory on its own at any time before crossing 1st or 3rd base
- A ball put in play with any part of the kicker’s body above the kicker’s knee level.
- A kicked ball touched more than once by the kicker.
- A kicked ball first kicked while the kicker’s planting foot is above the kicking box.
- Fair Balls: The following criteria satisfies a fair ball.
- The following criteria satisfies an out.
- A count of 3 strikes.
- Any kicked ball that is caught by a fielder.
- A tag by any part of the fielder’s body on a base to which a runner is forced to run, before the runner arrives at the base, while the fielder has control of the ball.
- A runner touched by the ball at any time while not on base while the ball is not in play.
- A kicked ball that makes contact with a runner while the runner is not base results in an out.
- A kicker or runner that interferes with fielding the ball.
- A tag of a base by any part of the fielder’s body, while the fielder has control of the ball, before the runner originating at the base can tag up as required due to a caught ball.
- A runner off base while the ball is kicked.
- A runner that passes another runner.
- A runner outside the baseline.
- A runner who misses a base as called by the umpire upon the conclusion of the play.
- The following criteria satisfies an out.
- End of Play: Whenever the umpire announces “time”, the play ends.
- Once a player has the ball in control and retains possession in the infield.
- Interference: The following criteria satisfies interference:
- When any runner on or off base intentionally hinders a fielder. The play ends, the runner is out and any other runners return to the base from which they came, unless forced to advance.
- End of Play: Whenever the umpire announces “time”, the play ends.
- Time Outs: Each team is allowed one 30-second timeout per game.
- Injuries: If a player is injured during a game, the team must notify the umpire to remove the injured player from the lineup card with no additional penalty (unless the injured player is a female and her removal results in less than 2 females).