Pickleball Details
- Professional Quality Equipment
- Woody Pine Site Manager
- Reserved Court Access
- Food & Drink Specials at sponsor bar
Coed Pickleball 2’s Leagues
Love socializing, staying out of the kitchen and..pickleball? Woody Pine Sports combines them all. We offer adult coed 2v2 pickleball leagues at multiple locations throughout The Woodlands area. From beginners to seasoned pickleballers, players of all abilities are welcome! Sign up a full team or sign up on your own and we’ll find a team for you!
Full Team (Captain Registrations)
Get your friends together and form a team today! Just go to the registration page, choose your league, and submit your team info. Guarantee your spot with your credit card. Plus – signing up a team SAVES MONEY versus everyone signing up on their own. It’s that easy!
On your own? We’ll help! (Free Agent Registrations)
If you don’t have a team, no problem – we specialize in placing free agents! Woody Pine Sports can help find you a team. Just sign up online and guarantee your spot with a credit card. Individuals can request to be paired with other free agents during the registration process. Sign up for a league today!

- Number of Players: A team will consist of 2 players on the court. Teams must have at least 2 players to start a game. There are no gender requirements.
- Starting a Game: Captains will face off in Rock Paper Scissors (RPS). Winner of the RPS will choose a side or serve first.
- Scoring: Each game will use the Side-Out Scoring System (a team must be serving to score a point).
- Management and Officiating: All games are to be self-officiated. If at any point during the game a team believes their opponents are misapplying the rules, that team can ask for the Woody Pine Site Manager to watch and settle disputes.
- Gender Requirements: There are no gender requirements.
- Regular: All teams will play one game per league night.
- Game and Sets: Each game consists of a best of 3 sets. Each set is played to 11 points – win by two, straight up to 15.
- Game Length: The game clock is 50 minutes. If the time limit is reached before the conclusion of the third set, the current serving round will be completed and the set will be scored at that point in the game.
- Double Header: All teams will play two games per league night.
- Game: Each game is played to 15 points – win by two, straight up to 21.
- Game Length: The game clock is 20 minutes. If the time limit is reached before the conclusion game, the current serving round will be completed and the game will be scored at that point in the game.
- Scramble: All players will play continuous games during the provided time slot.
- Game: Each game is played to 11 points – win by two, straight up to 15.
- Game Length: There is no time limit. All games will be played until a winner is declared via the scoring requirements.
- Regular: All teams will play one game per league night.
- Three Game Guarantee: All teams are guaranteed three games.
- Game: Each game is played to 11 points – win by two, straight up to 15.
- Game Length: The game clock is 20 minutes. If the time limit is reached before the conclusion of the game, the current serving round will be completed and the game will be scored at that point in the game.
- Score Requirements: A point is scored by serving the ball and winning the rally.
- A rally won by the receiving team does not result in points scored.
- Score Announcements: The score will be announced before each serve. There are 3 numbers to call out when a team is serving. First number is the serving team’s score, second number is the opponents score and third number is who is serving (ex: “8, 5, 1”).
- Faults: The receiving team is to make in/out calls by the honor system. If a team believes a call has been made incorrectly, they may ask for a “replay”.
- Score Requirements: A point is scored by serving the ball and winning the rally.
- Placement: The server must serve to the correct service court (the court diagonally opposite the server). The serve may clear or touch the net and must clear the kitchen. The serve may land on any other service court line.
- Ball Player Contact: If the serve clears the net or hits the net and then touches the receiver or the receiver’s partner, it is a point for the serving team.
- Server Requirements: The moment the ball is served:
- At least one foot must be on the playing surface behind the baseline.
- Neither of the server’s feet may touch the court on or inside the baseline.
- Neither of the server’s feet may touch outside the imaginary extensions of the sideline or centerline.
- The Volley Serve: The server shall use only one hand to release the ball to perform the serve.
- The server’s arm must be moving in an upward arc at the time the ball is struck and may be made with either a forehand or backhand motion.
- Contact with the ball must not be made above the waist.
- Bouncing the ball off the court before making contact is allowed.
- Player Positions: The correct server and receiver and their positions are determined by the score and the players’ starting positions in the game.
- The starting server begins serving from the right side of the court.
- Each player will serve until a rally is lost or a fault is declared against the player or team.
- As long as the server holds serve, after each point the server will alternate serving from the right/even and left/odd sides of the court.
- Server Rotations: Both players on a team will serve before a side out is declared, except at the start of each game, when only the starting server will serve. The starting server of each game is therefore designated as “Server 2” for scoring purposes, since a side out will occur once a rally is lost or a fault is committed by the serving team and service is awarded to the opposing team.
- At the start of each side out, service begins in the right/even serving area.
- When the team’s score is even (0, 2, 4 …), the team’s starting server’s correct position is at the right/even serving area. When the team’s score is odd(1, 3, 5 …), the starting server’s correct position is at the left/odd serving area.
- After each side out, service begins with the player correctly positioned on the right/even side of the court according to the team’s score. This player is referred to as “Server 1” and the partner is “Server 2”.
- Server 1 will serve, alternating service sides after each point is won, until a rally is lost or the server’s team commits a fault.
- After Server 1’s team loses rally or faults, Server 2 will serve from the correct position and will alternate serving positions as long as the serving team continues to win points (no side switching will occur after a fault or lost rally).
- Service Faults: During the service, it is a fault against the server resulting in a loss of serve if:
- The server serves from the incorrect serving area.
- The incorrect player serves the ball.
- The served ball touches any permanent object before it hits the ground.
- The served ball touches the server or their partner, or anything the server or their partner is wearing or holding.
- The served ball lands outside the receiver box.
- The server uses an illegal serve.
- Receiver Faults: It is a fault against the receiving team resulting in a point for the server if:
- The incorrect player returns the serve.
- The receiver or their partner is touched by or interferes with the flight of the ball before it bounces.
- Gameplay Faults: A fault will be declared for the following:
- If the serve or service return does not bounce before the ball is struck.
- Failure to return the ball before it bounces twice on the receiving player’s side of the net.
- A player, a player’s apparel, or a player’s paddle contacting the net system or the net posts when the ball is in play.
- Kitchen Play: The kitchen is the non volley zone marked on each team’s side of the court closest to the net.
- If a player has touched the kitchen for any reason, that player cannot volley a return until both feet have made contact with the playing surface completely outside the kitchen.
- A player may enter the kitchen at any time except when that player is volleying the ball.
- A player may enter the kitchen before or after returning any ball that bounces.
- A player may stay inside the kitchen to return a ball that has bounced. There is no violation if a player does not exit the kitchen after hitting a ball that bounces.
- There is no violation if a player returns the ball while their partner is standing in the kitchen.
- Gameplay Faults: A fault will be declared for the following:
- Substitutions: Teams are only permitted to substitute a player on their side-out.
- Side out substitutions must enter the match into the serving position.
- Time Outs: Each team is allowed one 30-second timeout per game.
- Injuries: In the case of an injury that causes the game to stop, the game time will be paused at the discretion of the WPS Site Manager.
- Substitutions: Teams are only permitted to substitute a player on their side-out.