Indoor Soccer Details
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Coed Soccer Leagues
If you really want to have a blast and soccer 11v11 is too serious for you, check out our fun indoor social soccer league. A great way to socialize and meet new people and play a sport that is all about bloopers and making memories you will not forget! Woody Pine Sports combines them all. We offer adult coed 5v5 indoor soccer leagues in The Woodlands area. From beginners to seasoned athletes, players of all abilities are welcome! Sign up a full team or sign up on your own and we’ll find a team for you!
Full Team (Captain Registrations)
Get your friends together and form a team today! Just go to the registration page, choose your league, and submit your team info. Guarantee your spot with your credit card. Plus – signing up a team SAVES MONEY versus everyone signing up on their own. It’s that easy!
On your own? We’ll help! (Free Agent Registrations)
If you don’t have a team, no problem – we specialize in placing free agents! Woody Pine Sports can help find you a team. Just sign up online and guarantee your spot with a credit card. Individuals can request to be paired with other free agents during the registration process. Sign up for a league today!
- Number of Players: A team will consist of 5 players on the field. Teams must have at least 4 players to start a game.
- Starting a Game: Captains will face off in RPS. Winner of RPS will choose the ball or side first.
- Scoring: Each goal is worth 1 point
- Ball Size and Bounce: Indoor Soccer requires a heavier, size 5 football with very little bounce. The weight helps to control the ball throughout the game, ensuring it won’t bounce higher than the player’s head or more than once.
- Goal Size: Standard indoor soccer goal size is 3m by 2m.
- Foortwear: No cleats allowed. All players must wear athletic shoes.
- Shin Guards: Are required during game play.
- Management and Officiating: All games will be officiated by 1 referee.
- No Goalkeepers: Teams will not be allowed to have a goalkeeper.
- Teams may guard the goal, but not use hands. If the defensive team uses hands in front of their goal a penalty kick on an open goal 10 paces out will be awarded to the offense.
- Gender Requirements:
- Female Minimum: A full team (5 players) will consist of a minimum of 2 females on the field during game play.
- Teams may start a game with 4 players with a minimum of 1 female.
- Female Maximum: There is no cap on the number of females on the field during play.
- Female Minimum: A full team (5 players) will consist of a minimum of 2 females on the field during game play.
- Gender Requirements:
- One Game Per Night: All teams will play one game per league night.
- Game Length: Each game consists of two periods of 20 minutes each. The clock is a running clock.
- In the case of a tie at the expiration of the regular season, the game will have a two minute overtime.
- If no winner is declared after two minutes, the game will end in a tie.
- Playoff matches that are tied at the end of regulation will proceed into 1 two minute overtime, and then if needed a shootout to determine a winner.
- Shootout: Each team selects 5 players (3 males, 2 females). If team A only has 1 female, then team B can choose to only kick 1 female.
- Teams will alternate taking direct penalty shots at an open goal from 20 paces off the goal line. (Coed: no guy / girl shooting order is necessary)
- If, after the 1st round the game is still tied, 5 new players are selected. Depending on the team size, teams may use players form the 1st round.
- The 2nd round is sudden death. For example, if the first player from Team A scores and the first player form Team B misses, then Team A wins.
- Shootout: Each team selects 5 players (3 males, 2 females). If team A only has 1 female, then team B can choose to only kick 1 female.
- In the case of a tie at the expiration of the regular season, the game will have a two minute overtime.
- Scored Goal: A goal is cored when the whole of a legally propelled ball has passed over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar.
- A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick.
- A goal may be scored from a kickoff.
- Goal Kicks:
- For a goal kick, the ball shall be placed 10 paces out
- The ball is in play as soon as it is touched by the kicker.
- The player taking the goal kick cannot retouch the ball until another player has touched it.
- Score Clock: The referee will be manning the game clock with a stopwatch.
- Scored Goal: A goal is cored when the whole of a legally propelled ball has passed over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar.
- NFHS Standard: All fouls and violations are based on National Federation High School soccer rules that are not listed below
- Kickoff Procedure: RPS before the beginning of the game will determine which team kicks off and which has the choice of ends. The team not receiving the ball first will have possession to begin the second half.
- On the referee’s signal, the game shall start or resume following a goal with a kick from the center of the field.
- All players shall be within their half of the field. Opponents of the kicking team must be at least 5 yards from the ball until it is kicked. A teammate of the kicker may be anywhere within their half of the field.
- The ball is out of play when:
- It has completely crossed the goal line whether on the ground or in the air.
- The ball goes over the out of bounds line.
- The official sounds their whistle.
- There will be no whistle to restart play except:
- When a team asks the official for 5 yards.
- When the ball hits the ceiling, lights, etc.
- When play has been stopped to caution or eject a player.
- For a penalty kick.
- When a goal is scored.
- Corner Kick: Is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and was last touched by a defensive player.
- The ball must be placed on the ground within 1 yard of the corner flag or cone area.
- The opposing team must be 5 yards away at the time the ball is kicked.
- The kicker cannot retouch the ball until it is touched by another player (either team).
- A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick.
- Live Ball: Any balls striking a referee, goal post, or corner post and remaining on the court is in play.
- Restart: When restarting the game after a temporary suspension of play (i.e. injury), except on a free kick or kick-in, the team that was in possession of the ball at the time of the suspension shall be awarded an indirect free kick from the spot the ball was a the time of the suspension.
- Boundary Line: When the ball passes completely out of bounds, it shall be kicked in nearest to where it left play by the opposing team. A player shall:
- Place the ball on the ground and proceed to take the kick following the rules of an indirect free kick. The ball shall be in play immediately after it has been kicked and may be played by any player except the one who executes the kick in. Five yards shall be given, the same as all free kick situations.
- If the ball is improperly kicked into play, a player of the opposing team will be awarded a restart.
- If an opponent interferes with or in any way impedes the actions of the kicker while the kick-in is being taken, the official will administer a Yellow Card for Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
- A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick-in. It must touch a member of either team before crossing the goal line to be counted as a goal.
- Free Kicks:
- All dead ball kicks (kick-ins, free kicks, kick-offs) are indirect with the exception of corner kicks and penalty kicks.
- An indirect free kick is a free kick from which a goal may not be scored unless the ball is touched by another player from either team.
- The free kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the court of play at the time of the offense.
- Penalty Kicks:
- A penalty kick is awarded after a serious or intentional rule infraction takes place in the pantry area by the defensive team. A penalty kick can be awarded regardless of the position of the ball, if the infraction by the defending team is committed in the penalty area. It is not awarded for infractions that call for an indirect kick.
- The penalty kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the court of play at the time of the offense.
- All penalties must be one-step kicks. The player may only take one step before shooting the ball.
- All players must remain behind the kicker, until the ball is kicked.
- If a goal is not scored, the player who kicked the ball must not play it again until it has been touched by another player. The ball shall be deemed in play directly after it is kicked and moves forward.
- Fouls and Penalties:
- Penalties: All kicks will be direct kicks.
- The ball is to be placed at the point of the infraction and to be put in play by a player on the affected team.
- No opposing player is allowed to be within 5 yards of the ball prior to kick.
- A direct kick will apply to these infractions: Charging, Roughness, Handball, Dangerous Play / Kick, Slide Tackles, Checking
- Yellow Cards: Any player receiving a yellow card will sit out 2 minutes and that team will play a person down.
- No Sliding or Slide Tackling: The offense for any slide will result in a yellow/red card, based on the intent, for the offending player.
- Red Cards: Any player receiving a red card will be suspended the rest of the game and possibly the following game.
- Penalties: All kicks will be direct kicks.
- Offsides: There is no offsides in 5v5 indoor soccer.
- Substitutions: Are free and unlimited during game play.
- Substitutions may be made “on the fly”, provided the player being substituted for is within 5 feet of the bench.
- f the player coming off the field participates in a play, a Yellow Card will be assessed and an indirect free kick from the half field line will be administered.
- A player who received a Red Card must leave the playing area and may not be replaced by a substitute. This mans that this player’s team will have one less player on the field for the remainder of the game.
- During an injury, both teams may substitute openly.
- Time Outs: Each team is allowed one 60 second timeout per game.
- The Clock runs during all time outs
- No timeouts are allowed in the last 3 minutes of each half.
- Injuries: In the case of an injury that causes the game to stop, the game time will be paused at the discretion of the referee or WPS supervisor.
- Substitutions: Are free and unlimited during game play.